This brief asked for a poster created in Maya (with Photoshop adjustments allowed) that would advertise an imaginary documentary film about the Greek Islands, called 'Life on the Greek Islands'. I first began by researching the look and feel of the islands - and Santorini in particular - then sketching plenty of potential arrangements for a scene within the A3 frame. The brief also required a video to include a camera fly-through animation and turntables of objects.
I wanted the audience's eye to start off looking at the title and blue of the church building, then being drawn out towards the sea. The image rewards you for looking around the frame by revealing other details of what life might be like on the islands.

Final poster

Thumbnail sketches for brainstorming possible layouts

Comparison of initial sketch to final poster

The plants and the lamp models were originally downloaded. You can find them here: Flower 3D Model, Plant 3D Model, Tree 3D Model, Sconce 3D Model. All other models are my own creation.