This project's aim is to demonstrate (through video) a technology solution for the issue of the critically endangered Leadbeater's possum and the logging of mountain ash trees, both in the Central Highlands of Victoria, Australia. The developed solution to this issue is an app that would connect concerned individuals for collaboration, as well as being a platform for sharing data and organising events that go towards conservation efforts.
The video outcome of this project cannot exceed three minutes in duration. It must unfold a problem in the form of a real life scenario, and demonstrate how technology can help to sole the problem. The video must also include some form of audio (background music, sound effects, etc.).
After developing my technology solution, I drafted a script, storyboard, and animatic. I then began the long process of creating 3D digital models (using Cheetah3D) for every object in the scene, and then setting up every shot in the video for rendering. The music was created in GarageBand. I used After Effects to edit together the final shots. I also used this program to put the audio and titles together, as well as animate various effects, and fix up artefacts. The final compsed video was encoded using Media Encoder.